This morning you found yourself running from your home, chased by who knows what. Zombies and monsters have come up out of seemingly nowhere, and have taken most of the world with it.
Feel free to ask questions, even if I don’t have the appropriate expansion pack, just be prepared to explain a bit about the game feature you are asking about.Īlright, so this challenge is a bit complicated, so I am going to separate it into a few different posts to keep it a bit more organized.Ĭhoas. If you feel confident enough with them, give them to me and I will post them. If you have other expansion packs, make your own rules for them. Two, I only have the base game, world adventures, ambitions, pets, and seasons-so those are the only ones I feel comfortable writing rules for. So if something is too hard, (or more likely) too easy, tell me and I can edit it. I am going to play it, but I wanted to post it first. A couple things: One, this challenge has not been tested.